The Lower Treave Caravan and Camping Park Blog

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Saturday, 31 July 2010


No...not this Jake...

who can't ride a bike...but is quite partial to the odd postman riding a bike...

This Jake...

...who is joining us this weekend prior to his cycle ride to Dover!

Raising money for Action for Children.

Good luck Jake!


Wednesday, 28 July 2010


St Buryan Vintage Rally - something for everyone!

A view of the show from the air.


Saturday, 24 July 2010


These handsome chaps were snapped by Paul at Carn Gloose this week (just south of Cape Cornwall).

The Chough (Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax) is a member of the crow family with a red beak and legs, and an excitable, high-pitched 'chi-ow' call from which it gets its name. It is extremely acrobatic and its tumbling display flights make a truly impressive sight.

The Chough is included in the county's coat of arms alongside the miner and the fisherman, reflecting the bird's importance in Cornish culture. It also appears regularly in Cornish legend and it is said that King Arthur was transformed into a chough when he died, the red feet and beak representing his violent, bloody end.

The Chough was once widespread around the coasts of Britain but has declined since the early nineteenth century, with only about 300 pairs left, mainly in Wales, the Isle of Man and western Scotland, although a larger population is present in Eire. A decline in suitable feeding habitat is thought to be the main reason for the loss of the chough from England, with many of the well-grazed pastures that were once common along the coast ploughed up for arable crops or overgrown with scrub.

Cornwall was once a stronghold for Choughs, they last nested in the county in 1952, long after they had been lost from the rest of England. As the chough declined, so it became an increasingly prized target for egg collectors and trophy hunters and this may have finally sealed the bird's fate in Cornwall.

Conservation organisations hoping to see the chough back in Cornwall have been working together for a number of years to secure more and better quality chough habitat. It prefers short well-grazed coastal pastures and eats ground-dwelling invertebrates such as ants, beetle larvae and spiders. Its rather untidy nest is built largely of sticks and usually well concealed within a crack in the cliff-face or deep inside a cave.

In 2001 four wild choughs were seen in west Cornwall and three took up residence, leading to hopes that they might stay to breed. Developments were eagerly awaited during the early spring of 2002 and to everyone's delight two of the birds began nesting. By mid-April they had built a nest tucked away out of sight within a sea cave and the female had begun to incubate a clutch of eggs - the first Choughs to breed in Cornwall (and England) for 50 years.

A team of dedicated volunteers provided a round-the-clock watch over the birds to ensure illegal egg collectors could not raid the nest and thereby ruin any chance of the chough returning to Cornwall.

And now they're back....who will be the first one to spot a Chough at Lower Treave?


First 'full' weekend of the year and we'll be getting those signs up on the entrance soon.

Hopefully everybody is getting on with the new wi-fi log in process. We don't 'sell on' or use your log in details, but it helps us to manage performance and make sure no one is abusing the system.

Weather looks set fair for a couple of weeks.

You can get a longer range forecast here:

Remember to check back as the weather situation changes.

Happy Camping!


Wednesday, 21 July 2010


Can't please all of the people all of the time....

Perhaps if the individual concerned had spoken to us during his stay we might have been able to resolve some of his 'issues'. Unfortunately, a month down the line and an anonymous post means a grumpy customer and we are very sorry that he didn't get the service he should have.

We have turned up the flush rate on the urinals, no longer advertise 'hard standings' (although people still.seem to want to use the ones we have) and booked an enginer in to give the wi-fi a full checkover. Unfortunately, you still have to let the hot tap in the gents run for 17 secs if you are the first user in a while to get the heat (41c)  down from the boilers. A fact of plumbing life I'm afraid.

We don't always get it right. If you can think of anything else we can do to make your stay with us a little better, please let us know at the time and we will do what we can.


Sunday, 18 July 2010


Sorry to all the callers, but the holiday caravan below has now gone.

Still got a few spaces in September...and there's always next year. Book early to avoid disappointment.


Late availability holiday caravan.

Full details here

Due to cancellation, week comencing 24 July now available. £440.

Follow this link to book or call on 01736 810559 (9am to 6pm).

First come, first served!



This week sees Surrey Opera return to the Minack with their production of Smetana's 'The Bartered Bride'.

Charming rustic peasants – a lively daughter with a crush on the local landowner’s son –a well-known overture and wonderful score – and a jilted lover in a bear costume.

Also this week, from Thursday onwards, fish and chip suppers will be available at Lower Treave on Monday and Thursday evenings at about 7:30pm near the entrance to the park. We had a trial run with the caterers last week and the food was excellent. Cooked to order and very tasty.

Bon appetit!



This weekend we enjoyed the company of the British Caravan Club on a Rally.

Safe journey home; we hope you enjoyed your stay!


Monday, 12 July 2010


Due to cancellation, week comencing 24 July now available. £440.

Follow this link to book or call on 01736 810559 (9am to 6pm).

First come, first served!


Thursday, 8 July 2010


The Swiss team behind an experimental solar-powered plane says it has remained aloft for a record 24 hours!

Engineers in the Solar Impulse control room and pilot Andre Borschberg cheered loudly as the plane passed the historic milestone shortly before 7am this morning.

The prototype plane is studded with 12,000 solar cells that managed to store enough energy during the day to last through the night.

The team's ultimate goal is to fly an improved version of the aircraft around the world in five stages in 2013.

Better make sure we get some charging points in up at Newquay!
