The Lower Treave Caravan and Camping Park Blog

"Bugler! coming soon on 2017 .....Sound the Advance!

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Friday, 27 January 2012

@CornwallNow or #CarolineQuentin ?

I'm with the people at Sideways Cornwall who produced this.

So lucky, so beautiful.


Thursday, 26 January 2012

That's How Rumours Get Started!

Back in August 2009, we were having a bit of a dull patch of weather and looming on the horizon, according to the synoptic charts, was the remants of Hurricane Bill. To cheer everyone up, I wrote a little ditty which I posted up on the various walls around the place, trying to steady the nerve of the campers and prepare them for the onslaught to come.

Here's the piece:


Hurricane Bill, that ‘twas its name,
It brewed up dark and stormy,
And as he watched the weather charts
It put the wind up Normy.

‘Tie down your kids’ in vain he cried,
But not because of weather,
They were getting on his nerves,
Bikes racing hell for leather.

‘Advise your wives’ he shouted out,
To wear something less floating,
The wind will catch her fair and square,
And flight times we’ll be quoting.’

‘Take down your flags and lower your masts,
Whatever be their colour.
Turn off your fairy lights and lamps,
Sure life will be much duller.’

‘For we must ride this great storm out,
And all come through the weather,
Cause when you camp at Lower Treave,
We’re all in it together!’

‘But wait’ cried Norm, ‘the chart is wrong,
This weather’s for another,
This hurricane won’t come to us,
It’s going to Bill’s Mother!’

Hence the saying ‘It’s looking black over Bill’s Mother’s!


I now find the piece being authoritavely quoted by Yahoo as the origin for the saying 'Black over Bill's mother's'!

...and that's how rumours get started!


Tuesday, 24 January 2012


Trying to give customers what they want...ease of booking, convenient payment methods, security of payment that sort of stuff. Sagepay is one of the options we'd like to offer our guests who want to book and pay on-line. The fly in the ointment occurs when you have to involve a bank in the remember banks, those caring institutions of the community who are commited to supporting small business in these challenging times...they require me to open yet another account with them (we already have 4!) to process these payments. This involves a 10 minute telephone interview to 'check their details', hard copy form filling and a 3 week 'security' process. It will also take some of the activity from one of the existing accounts and transfer it to the new account with all the associated extra costs and charges.

Please be assured that you can still book on-line with us, there will be no extra charge for that service from us to you. No charge for using your Credit or Debit card, no administrative charge, no surcharge, no extra luggage charge, no charge for awnings or dogs, no bankers bonuses, no tourist that off my chest.

All in this together now...

Are you going to be very fair?
Barclays, Sage, woes many and time! 


Friday, 20 January 2012


Recently got the wind up and left, but now re-instated. Thanks to @MillerComProp and @DulcieTudor for 'persuading' the return!


Tuesday, 10 January 2012


...out of the office window this morning.

...a family of rabbits plays on the woodpile... army of workers plant in the field...

...a burst of camelia in the pale light...

I used to work in London...but it's not the same.

Ever fancied a change of view out of the office window?


Sunday, 8 January 2012

The Mortal Compass

Had a great night out with Cornwall Orienteering Club @CornwallOC on their Trelissick Night 'O'. A great bunch of people, a well organised course around the park (in the dark!) and a few beers to finish.

Nobody seemed to mind that they were all in lycra and racing snake footwear...and we were all in tweed and sensible shoes! Nobody seemed to mind that they all had the latest electronic communications devices and we had an Acme Boy Scouts whistle as used by Kate Middleton. Nobody seemed to mind that they had 1000 lumen lightweight headtorches and we had a novelty torch/pen combo from a Christmas cracker. That could have been our downfall as I made the oldest mistake in the book and tied the large old brass whistle and the torch on to the same string as my compass, also circa Baden-Powell. Result...significant deviation! Well thats my excuse for getting Mrs B tangled up on the barbed wire and I'm sticking to it!

A top night out and many thanks to the organisers, National Trust at Trelissick for hosting the event and the Club for making us so welcome. Next event at Lanhydrock and full details of all their activities here:


Saturday, 7 January 2012

Piece At Last

Christmas #DowntonAbbey jigsaw finished. At last I can have my wife back. Edges first.

Lady Grantham: 'You are quite wonderful the way you see room for improvement wherever you look. I never knew such reforming zeal.

Mrs Crawley: 'I take that as a compliment.'

Lady Grantham: I must have said it wrong.

The Redoubtable Lady Grantham (Maggie Smith)!



Here's the latest info from 'Cornwall's Theatre Under The Stars'

Looking forward to Atlantic Theatre Company's 'Titanic - The Musical' but until then some memories from last year.


Friday, 6 January 2012


He's perched upon the campsite gate,
It couldn't be much sillier.
He moves around, we don't know how,
That cable tie's familiar!

He's got a little rusty friend,
Who's round and red and jolly.
I found him perched the other day,
Inside a prickly holly!

These crazy dudes of folded tin,
Are driving us quite barmy.
They only move when Paul's around,
They're Michelmore's Toy Army!


Wednesday, 4 January 2012


Hurrah...I'm back on an NHS dental list! Thanks to MP Andrew George for getting his teeth into this one

Next time you see me I'll be smiling...or it may just be wind!


Sunday, 1 January 2012


If you can tweet,
It's really neat,
Follow the weave,
