The Lower Treave Caravan and Camping Park Blog

"Bugler! coming soon on 2017 .....Sound the Advance!

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Thursday, 29 March 2012

Dates for the Diary...

9 June 2012

19 September 2012

10 October 2012


Wednesday, 28 March 2012


Today I have a stinking cold and can't smell a thing.

Today we are having the septic tanks emptied ready for the summer.

Silver linings all round!

'The Sweet Smell of Spring'


Wednesday, 21 March 2012

Ever wondered if camping was for you?

Why not try it out using a tent and equipment all set up for you...saves all those embarrassing moments as you try to read the instructions and work out the pole combos whilst your partner gives you one of those 'told you so' looks!

Go no further than WESTERN DISCOVERIES who will sort all that for you. Whether you want to 'glamp' or be the next Bear Grylls, they have a package of kit for you delivered to the site of your choice and errected if you require it.

Of course you still have to put your own kettle on...but when you're finished they come and take it all away mad car packing on the final day.

What's not to like?


Tuesday, 20 March 2012


Annual safety checks this week. Steve and Steve from Tee Electrical in this morning doing the sparks...Dave and Garrick in tomorrow to do the GasSafe checks on boilers and appliances.

A useful reminder from Cornwall Fire and Rescue Service:

Never take a portable barbecue or lit charcoal into an enclosed space like a tent, caravan, awning or camping pod.

Make sure camping lights and stoves are clean and properly adjusted.

Wednesday, 7 March 2012

GREAT OFFERS FOR 20.12 - Fry Up!

#Great2012 offers are now available on the Visit England website. Stephen will tell you all about it!...and Rupert, and Julie, and Michelle...
