Pretty much had them all over the last 48hrs!
Plenty of water as the heavens opened. Much debate about 'barbecue summers' and long range forecasting. I took a long gamble on a supply of
Tregothnan Sustainable Charcoal, which is now 'in store'. This is produced from their own
coppiced woodland, regularly cut to provide a constant and renewable source of seasoned hardwood. More about
Tregothnan here:
A timely reminder of the dangers of fire a couple of nights ago when a camping stove gas bottle caught light. The firemen say it was a loose connection between the bottle and the regulator which caused the problem. Time for us all to have a look at our cooking equipment, check it is serviceable and make sure we are using it in accordance with the
manufacturers' instructions. Nobody seriously hurt (sore hands from where the hot cooker was thrown out of the tent), but we all need to take care. Check your kit, make sure you know where your exits are, know how to raise the alarm and we will all camp safe.
Earth moving skills came to the fore as Paul and I decided to implement Plan A of the 'Muddy Patches Contingency Programme'. We like to keep the site
looking good for everybody, so in extreme weather, we put down a few chippings in the heavy traffic areas. Two tons of 'Castle 10mm' to be precise; Castle is our local quarry. You can help by keeping to the site speed limit (5mph), not driving to and from the loos and showers when it is wet and being considerate to your neighbours when
manoeuvring your vehicles. Further up-country the situation looks quite on the news last night of washed-out campsites in the midlands and Wales...Lower
Treave drains very well and as soon as it stops raining the site is usually dry within a few hours. Here's the forecast:
And finally 'Air'. True to form, some Lower
Treave stalwarts arrived yesterday and sad to report, their lilo was not up to the has let them down very badly. Tonight they will be sleeping in the canoe!
Dan Brown eat your heart can't make it up!